CS599, Spring 2010, Assignment 2: Constrained Particle System

Due Tuesday Mar 9, 2010, by noon


Please download the assignment writeup here. You can use your OpenGL setup from Assignment 1 as a starting point.

Useful (free) software for solving linear systems (you are not bound to using any particular solver software, listed or not):

Some hints for solving linear systems in the assignment:

How to submit the assignment

Upload your entire solution as one zip file to the Blackboard. Don't forget to include your README file, the compiled executable (Windows or Mac, include all the required DLLs), the animation frames, and any other material required by the assignment writeup. For the animation, use the same format as with Assignment 1. Please submit JPEG frames (assumed frame rate is 15 fps), at the 640x480 resolution. Do not exceed 300 frames.

Example screenshots

Click for larger image

Extra credit ideas

Jernej Barbic, February 2010