CS599: Assignment 1: Simulating a Jello Cube

Extra credit: Inclined plane

You can implement collision detection and bouncing response for the jello cube impacting an inclined plane. An inclined plane is a static planar surface, positioned in a certain way inside the bounding box. In the world structure, there are special fields to specify the position of the inclined plane. Use these fields to determine if an inclined plane is present. If present, use the a,b,c,d fields to render the plane and implement collision detection and response. For the inclined plane, use the same collision spring parameters (collision elasticity, collision damping) as for collision with the bounding box. Any position and orientation of the inclined plane could occur and should be supported. When the inclined plane is present in the simulation, assume that the initial position of the cube is such that it completely lies on one side of the plane.