Large-Strain Surface Modeling using Plasticity
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2023

- Jiahao Wen
University of Southern California - Bohan Wang
University of Southern California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Jernej Barbič
University of Southern California
Project material
Jiahao Wen, Bohan Wang, Jernej Barbič:
Large-Strain Surface Modeling using Plasticity, IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, accepted for final publication, 2023. BIBTEX
Modeling arbitrarily large deformations of surfaces smoothly embedded in three-dimensional space is challenging. We give a new method to represent surfaces undergoing large spatially varying rotations and strains, based on differential geometry, and surface first and second fundamental forms. Methods that penalize the difference between the current shape and the rest shape produce sharp spikes under large strains, and variational methods produce wiggles, whereas our method naturally supports large strains and rotations without any special treatment. For stable and smooth results, we demonstrate that the deformed surface has to locally satisfy compatibility conditions (Gauss-Codazzi equations) on the first and second fundamental forms. We then give a method to locally modify the surface first and second fundamental forms in a compatible way. We use those fundamental forms to define surface plastic deformations, and finally recover output surface vertex positions by minimizing the surface elastic energy under the plastic deformations. We demonstrate that our method makes it possible to smoothly deform triangle meshes to large spatially varying strains and rotations, while meeting user constraints.
Comments, questions to Jernej Barbič.Related projects
- NSF (IIS-1911224)
- USC Viterbi Graduate Fellowship to Jiahao Wen
- Bosch Research
- Adobe Research
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