Preventing SQL Injection Attacks Using AMNESIA (bibtex)
by William G.J. Halfond and Alessandro Orso
Preventing SQL Injection Attacks Using AMNESIA. William G.J. Halfond and Alessandro Orso. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering – Formal Demo. May 2006.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {{P}reventing {SQL} {I}njection {A}ttacks {U}sing {AMNESIA}},
  Author                   = {William G.J. Halfond and Alessandro Orso},
  Booktitle                = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering -- Formal Demo},
  Year                     = {2006},
  Month                    = {May},

  Acceptancerate           = {22\%},
  Keywords                 = {security},
  Pubtype                  = {Special Track}
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