by William G.J. Halfond and Alessandro Orso
Automated Identification of Parameter Mismatches in Web Applications. William G.J. Halfond and Alessandro Orso. In Proceedings of the Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. November 2008. Best Student Presentation Award.
Bibtex Entry:
Title = {{A}utomated {I}dentification of {P}arameter {M}ismatches in {W}eb {A}pplications},
Author = {William G.J. Halfond and Alessandro Orso},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering},
Year = {2008},
Month = {November},
Acceptancerate = {20\%},
Award = {Best Student Presentation Award},
Keywords = {web app analysis},
Pubtype = {Conference}