by William G. J. Halfond, Shauvik Roy Choudhary and Alessandro Orso
Improving penetration testing through static and dynamic analysis. William G. J. Halfond, Shauvik Roy Choudhary and Alessandro Orso. In Software Testing, Verification and Reliability. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 21 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
Title = {Improving penetration testing through static and dynamic analysis},
Author = {William G. J. Halfond and Shauvik Roy Choudhary and Alessandro Orso},
Journal = {Software Testing, Verification and Reliability},
Year = {2011},
Number = {3},
Pages = {195--214},
Volume = {21},
Doi = {10.1002/stvr.450},
ISSN = {1099-1689},
Keywords = {penetration testing, web applications, test input generation},
Publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.},
Pubtype = {Journal},
Url = {}