SAND: a static analysis approach for detecting SQL antipatterns (bibtex)
by Yingjun Lyu, Sasha Volokh, William G.J. Halfond and Omer Tripp
SAND: a static analysis approach for detecting SQL antipatterns. Yingjun Lyu, Sasha Volokh, William G.J. Halfond and Omer Tripp. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA). July 2021. Distinguished Paper Award.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {{SAND}: a static analysis approach for detecting {SQL} antipatterns},
  Author                   = {Yingjun Lyu and Sasha Volokh and William G.J. Halfond and Omer Tripp},
  Booktitle                = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA)},
  Year                     = {2021},
  Month                    = {July},
  Acceptancerate           = {22\% (51/233)},
  Award                    = {Distinguished Paper Award},
  Keywords                 = {mobile, program-analysis},
  Pubtype                  = {Conference}
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