by Dingbang Wang, Yu Zhao, Sidong Feng, Zhaoxu Zhang, William G.J. Halfond, Chunyang Chen, Xiaoxia Sun, Jiangfan Shi and Tingting Yu
Feedback-Driven Automated Whole Bug Report Reproduction for Android Apps. Dingbang Wang, Yu Zhao, Sidong Feng, Zhaoxu Zhang, William G.J. Halfond, Chunyang Chen, Xiaoxia Sun, Jiangfan Shi and Tingting Yu. In Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2024). September 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
Title = {{Feedback-Driven Automated Whole Bug Report Reproduction for Android Apps}},
Author = {Dingbang Wang and Yu Zhao and Sidong Feng and Zhaoxu Zhang and William G.J. Halfond and Chunyang Chen and Xiaoxia Sun and Jiangfan Shi and Tingting Yu},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2024)},
Year = {2024},
Month = {September},
Acceptancerate = {20.6\% (143/694)},
Keywords = {mobile, bug report reproduction},
Pubtype = {Conference}