Automatically Reproducing Android Bug Reports Using Natural Language Processing and Reinforcement Learning (bibtex)
by Zhaoxu Zhang, Robert Winn, Yu Zhao, Tingting Yu and William G.J Halfond
Automatically Reproducing Android Bug Reports Using Natural Language Processing and Reinforcement Learning. Zhaoxu Zhang, Robert Winn, Yu Zhao, Tingting Yu and William G.J Halfond. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2023). July 2023.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {{Automatically Reproducing Android Bug Reports Using Natural Language Processing and Reinforcement Learning}},
  Author                   = {Zhaoxu Zhang and Robert Winn and Yu Zhao and Tingting Yu and William G.J Halfond},
  Booktitle                = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2023)},
  Year                     = {2023},
  Month                    = {July},
  Acceptancerate           = {31.5\% (117/372)},
  Keywords                 = {mobile, bug report reproduction},
  Pubtype                  = {Conference}
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