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John Gunnar Carlsson
Kellner Family Associate Professor
Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Olin Hall of Engineering, Office 310F
University of Southern California
jcarlsso [at] usc [dot] edu

I am the Kellner Family Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Southern California. I received my Ph.D. from the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineeering (ICME) at Stanford University in 2009 under Yinyu Ye and my A.B. in mathematics and music from Harvard College in 2005. I work on algorithms for solving problems in continuous location theory, and more generally, optimization problems that have some kind of geographic element. My research is supported by DARPA, the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the National Science Foundation, and the US Department of Transportation, and I was previously supported by an NSF GOALI grant, the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and the Boeing Company. If you’re new to the site, please drop me a line. I always like to know who’s reading. Here is a YouTube video of one of my papers.


Table of Contents

Working papers and unpublished manuscripts
(comments welcome)

Names in bold italics denote my students.

Journal papers

Names in bold italics denote my students.

Refereed conference proceedings

Names in bold italics denote my students.

Sponsored research projects

Title Agency Amount Performance period Notes
“Using Computational Geometry to Solve Hard Mathematical Optimization Problems” NSF $290,813 2016-2019
“Online and decentralized algorithms for 'sidekick' problems” ONR $390,171 2016-2019
“Allocating Geographic Resources Optimally (AGRO)” AFOSR $372,692 2015-2018 Young Investigator Prize (YIP) Program
“Local and Global Phenomena in Dynamic Geographic Resource Allocation” ONR $123,475 2014-2015
“Strategically Allocating Resources in a Geographic Environment (SARGE)” DARPA $292,800 2012-2014 Young Faculty Award (YFA) Program
“Dynamic and Decentralized Geographic Resource Allocation” ONR $120,865 2013-2014
“Online and Decentralized Algorithms for Map Segmentation Problems” ONR $111,562 2012-2013
“Segmenting a Map to Allocate Resources in a Territory (SMART)” NSF $179,500 2012-2015
“Region Partitioning Algorithms for Geographic Resource Allocation” UMN Grant-in-Aid $31,153 2011-2012
“A Fast, Auction-Based Algorithm for Paratransit Vehicle Assignment” UMN CTS/MnDOT $9,339 2011

Honors and awards


SUFE summer students please click here
Course Period
ISyE 1101: Foundations of Industrial and Systems Engineering Fall 2013
IE 4521: Statistics, Quality, and Reliability Spring 2013
IE 5531: Engineering Optimization/MATH 5711: Linear and Combinatorial Optimization Fall 2012
IE 4521: Statistics, Quality, and Reliability Spring 2012
IE 5531: Engineering Optimization/MATH 5711: Linear and Combinatorial Optimization Fall 2011
IE 4521: Statistics, Quality and Reliability Spring 2011
IE 5531: Engineering Optimization/MATH 5711: Linear and Combinatorial Optimization Fall 2010
IE 4521: Statistics, Quality and Reliability Spring 2010
IE 4521: Statistics, Quality and Reliability Fall 2009

Other work

Presentations and invited talks

Title Host Venue Date
“The generalized TSP and trip chaining” IWSCCM3 Plenary Hong Kong PolyU 01/07/16
“Allocating geographic resources optimally” Epstein ISE Departmental Seminar University of Southern California 02/24/14
ISE Departmental Seminar University of Washington 02/18/14
IEOR Departmental Seminar Columbia University 02/13/14
Operations/Management Science Workshop Booth School of Business, University of Chicago 01/21/14
Operations Research Departmental Seminar Naval Postgraduate School 10/31/13
“Big data in business management and development: Statistical Fallacies” (thanks to Jingyi Wang for the Chinese translation) Center for Professional Development Shengjing Program Stanford University 08/29/13
“Geographic resource allocation and continuous location theory” Technology and Information Management Seminar UC Santa Cruz 04/22/13
“Geographic partitioning and continuous location problems” Scientific and Statistical Computing Seminar University of Chicago 02/07/13
“Equitable region partitioning among several agents” Center for Control, Dynamical Systems, and Computation (CCDC) Seminar UC Santa Barbara 09/17/12
“Dividing a territory among several facilities” Interdisciplinary Transportation Student Organization (ITSO) Seminar University of Minnesota 03/30/12
“Dividing a territory among several agents” Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME) Seminar Stanford University 08/03/11
“Practical applications of subadditive Euclidean functional theory” Mathematics Department Seminar Lehigh University 04/13/11
“Algorithms for optimally dividing a territory” Operations Management Seminar Sauder Business School, University of British Columbia 03/07/11


In an earlier life I was a keyboard player in the San Francisco Bay Area. I played with: