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Publications about 'Reattachment vortices'
A. Dwivedi.
Global input-output analysis of flow instabilities in high-speed compressible flows.
PhD thesis,
University of Minnesota,
Keyword(s): Adjoint equations,
Base-flow sensitivity,
Compressible flows,
Compression ramp flow,
Direct numerical simulations,
Energy amplification,
Flow modeling and control,
Global stability analysis,
Hypersonic flows,
Input-output analysis,
Shock Boundary layer interaction,
Reattachment vortices,
Transient growth,
Transition to turbulence.
A. Dwivedi,
G. S. Sidharth,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Oblique transition in hypersonic double-wedge flow.
J. Fluid Mech.,
October 2022.
Keyword(s): Compressible flows,
Direct numerical simulations,
Double-wedge flow,
Flow modeling and control,
Hypersonic flows,
Input-output analysis,
Oblique waves,
Shock boundary layer interaction,
Reattachment vortices,
Transition to turbulence,
Weakly nonlinear analysis.
A. Dwivedi,
G. S. Sidharth,
J. W. Nichols,
G. V. Candler,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Reattachment vortices in hypersonic compression ramp flow: an input-output analysis.
J. Fluid Mech.,
December 2019.
Keyword(s): Compressible flows,
Compression ramp flow,
Flow modeling and control,
Hypersonic flows,
Input-Output analysis,
Shock Boundary layer interaction,
Reattachment vortices,
Transition to turbulence.
A. Dwivedi and M. R. Jovanovic.
A weakly nonlinear analysis of transition in a hypersonic flow.
In Proceedings of the 2022 American Control Conference,
Atlanta, GA,
pages 4171-4176,
Keyword(s): Compressible flows,
Direct numerical simulations,
Double-wedge flow,
Flow modeling and control,
Hypersonic flows,
Input-output analysis,
Shock boundary layer interaction,
Reattachment vortices,
Transition to turbulence,
Weakly nonlinear analysis.
A. Dwivedi,
G. V. Candler,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
A frequency domain analysis of compressible linearized Navier-Stokes equations in a hypersonic compression ramp flow.
In Proceedings of the 2020 American Control Conference,
Denver, CO,
pages 4325-4330,
Keyword(s): Compressible flows,
Compression ramp flow,
Flow modeling and control,
Hypersonic flows,
Input-Output analysis,
Shock Boundary layer interaction,
Reattachment vortices,
Transition to turbulence.
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Last modified: Sat Oct 5 22:00:41 2024
Author: mihailo.
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