M. Fardad,
M. R. Jovanovic,
and B. Bamieh.
Frequency analysis and norms of distributed spatially periodic systems.
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control,
November 2008.
Keyword(s): Distributed systems theory,
Input-output analysis,
Spatially-periodic systems,
Uncertainty quantification in PDEs.
AUTHOR = {M. Fardad and M. R. Jovanovi\'c and B. Bamieh},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Automat. Control},
TITLE = {Frequency analysis and norms of distributed spatially periodic systems},
YEAR = {2008},
MONTH = {November},
NUMBER = {10},
PAGES = {2266-2279},
VOLUME = {53},
KEYWORDS = {Distributed systems theory, Input-output analysis, Spatially-periodic systems, Uncertainty quantification in PDEs},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/tac08periodic.pdf}
N. Hoda,
M. R. Jovanovic,
and S. Kumar.
Energy amplification in channel flows of viscoelastic fluids.
J. Fluid Mech.,
April 2008.
Keyword(s): Flow modeling and control,
Viscoelastic fluids,
Input-output analysis,
Energy amplification,
Transition to turbulence.
AUTHOR = {N. Hoda and M. R. Jovanovi\'c and S. Kumar},
JOURNAL = {J. Fluid Mech.},
TITLE = {Energy amplification in channel flows of viscoelastic fluids},
YEAR = {2008},
MONTH = {April},
PAGES = {407-424},
VOLUME = {601},
KEYWORDS = {Flow modeling and control, Viscoelastic fluids, Input-output analysis, Energy amplification, Transition to turbulence},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/jfm08.pdf}
M. R. Jovanovic.
Turbulence suppression in channel flows by small amplitude transverse wall oscillations.
Phys. Fluids,
20(1):014101 (11 pages),
January 2008.
Keyword(s): Controlling the onset of turbulence,
Flow modeling and control,
Input-output analysis,
Navier-Stokes equations,
Parametric resonance,
Time-periodic systems,
Vibrational control,
Energy amplification.
AUTHOR = {M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
JOURNAL = {Phys. Fluids},
TITLE = {Turbulence suppression in channel flows by small amplitude transverse wall oscillations},
YEAR = {2008},
MONTH = {January},
NUMBER = {1},
PAGES = {014101 (11 pages)},
VOLUME = {20},
KEYWORDS = {Controlling the onset of turbulence, Flow modeling and control, Input-output analysis, Navier-Stokes equations, Parametric resonance, Time-periodic systems, Vibrational control, Energy amplification},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/pof08.pdf}
M. R. Jovanovic,
M. Arcak,
and E. D. Sontag.
A passivity-based approach to stability of spatially distributed systems with a cyclic interconnection structure.
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control: Special Issue on Systems Biology,
January 2008.
Keyword(s): Biochemical networks,
Cyclic feedback systems,
Distributed systems theory,
Reaction-diffusion equations.
AUTHOR = {M. R. Jovanovi\'c and M. Arcak and E. D. Sontag},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Automat. Control: Special Issue on Systems Biology},
TITLE = {A passivity-based approach to stability of spatially distributed systems with a cyclic interconnection structure},
YEAR = {2008},
MONTH = {January},
PAGES = {75-86},
VOLUME = {53},
KEYWORDS = {Biochemical networks, Cyclic feedback systems, Distributed systems theory, Reaction-diffusion equations},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/tac08secant.pdf}
M. R. Jovanovic and M. Fardad.
$H_2$ norm of linear time-periodic systems: a perturbation analysis.
August 2008.
Keyword(s): Distributed systems theory,
Input-output analysis,
Time-periodic systems,
Perturbation analysis,
Uncertainty quantification in PDEs.
AUTHOR = {M. R. Jovanovi\'c and M. Fardad},
JOURNAL = {Automatica},
TITLE = {{$H_2$} norm of linear time-periodic systems: a perturbation analysis},
YEAR = {2008},
MONTH = {August},
NUMBER = {8},
PAGES = {2090-2098},
VOLUME = {44},
KEYWORDS = {Distributed systems theory, Input-output analysis, Time-periodic systems, Perturbation analysis, Uncertainty quantification in PDEs},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/aut08h2pert.pdf}
M. R. Jovanovic,
J. M. Fowler,
B. Bamieh,
and R. D'Andrea.
On the peaking phenomenon in the control of vehicular platoons.
Syst. Control Lett.,
July 2008.
Keyword(s): Control of vehicular formations,
Large-scale systems,
AUTHOR = {M. R. Jovanovi\'c and J. M. Fowler and B. Bamieh and R. D'Andrea},
JOURNAL = {Syst. Control Lett.},
TITLE = {On the peaking phenomenon in the control of vehicular platoons},
YEAR = {2008},
MONTH = {July},
NUMBER = {7},
PAGES = {528-537},
VOLUME = {57},
KEYWORDS = {Control of vehicular formations, Large-scale systems, Peaking},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/scl08peaking.pdf}
B. Bamieh,
M. R. Jovanovic,
P. Mitra,
and S. Patterson.
Effect of topological dimension on rigidity of vehicle formations: fundamental limitations of local feedback.
In Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Cancun, Mexico,
pages 369-374,
Keyword(s): Control of vehicular formations,
Large-scale networks,
Fundamental limitations.
AUTHOR = {B. Bamieh and M. R. Jovanovi\'c and P. Mitra and S. Patterson},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
TITLE = {Effect of topological dimension on rigidity of vehicle formations: fundamental limitations of local feedback},
YEAR = {2008},
ADDRESS = {Cancun, Mexico},
PAGES = {369-374},
KEYWORDS = {Control of vehicular formations, Consensus, Large-scale networks, Fundamental limitations},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/conference/2008/BamiehJovanovicMitraPattersonCDC08.pdf}
M. Fardad and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the state-space design of optimal controllers for distributed systems with finite communication speed.
In Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Cancun, Mexico,
pages 5488-5493,
Keyword(s): Architectural issues in distributed control design,
Distributed control,
Localized control.
AUTHOR = {M. Fardad and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
TITLE = {On the state-space design of optimal controllers for distributed systems with finite communication speed},
YEAR = {2008},
ADDRESS = {Cancun, Mexico},
PAGES = {5488-5493},
KEYWORDS = {Architectural issues in distributed control design, Distributed control, Localized control},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/conference/2008/FardadJovanovicCDC08.pdf}
N. Hoda,
M. R. Jovanovic,
and S. Kumar.
Input-output analysis of the 2D/3C model in channel flows of viscoelastic fluids.
In Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Cancun, Mexico,
pages 841-846,
Note: (Invited paper).
Keyword(s): Flow modeling and control,
Viscoelastic fluids,
Input-output analysis,
Energy amplification,
Transition to turbulence.
AUTHOR = {N. Hoda and M. R. Jovanovi\'c and S. Kumar},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
TITLE = {Input-output analysis of the {2D/3C} model in channel flows of viscoelastic fluids},
YEAR = {2008},
ADDRESS = {Cancun, Mexico},
NOTE = {(Invited paper)},
PAGES = {841-846},
KEYWORDS = {Flow modeling and control, Viscoelastic fluids, Input-output analysis, Energy amplification, Transition to turbulence},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/conference/2008/HodaJovanovicKumarCDC08.pdf}
F. Lin and M. R. Jovanovic.
Energy amplification in a parallel Blasius boundary layer flow subject to free-stream turbulence.
In Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference,
Seattle, WA,
pages 3070-3075,
Keyword(s): Boundary layers,
Flow modeling and control,
Navier-Stokes equations,
Input-output analysis,
Free-stream turbulence,
Energy amplification,
Transition to turbulence.
AUTHOR = {F. Lin and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference},
TITLE = {Energy amplification in a parallel {B}lasius boundary layer flow subject to free-stream turbulence},
YEAR = {2008},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, WA},
PAGES = {3070-3075},
KEYWORDS = {Boundary layers, Flow modeling and control, Navier-Stokes equations, Input-output analysis, Free-stream turbulence, Energy amplification, Transition to turbulence},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/conference/2008/LinJovanovicACC08.pdf}
R. Moarref,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Perturbation analysis of eigenvalues of a class of self-adjoint operators.
In Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference,
Seattle, WA,
pages 955-960,
Note: (Invited paper).
Keyword(s): Perturbation analysis,
Spatially-periodic systems,
Transient response,
Distributed systems theory.
AUTHOR = {R. Moarref and M. Fardad and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference},
TITLE = {Perturbation analysis of eigenvalues of a class of self-adjoint operators},
YEAR = {2008},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, WA},
NOTE = {(Invited paper)},
PAGES = {955-960},
KEYWORDS = {Perturbation analysis, Spatially-periodic systems, Transient response, Distributed systems theory},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/conference/2008/MoarrefFardadJovanovicACC08.pdf}
R. Moarref and M. R. Jovanovic.
Remarks on computing the $H_2$ norm of incompressible fluids using descriptor state-space formulation.
In Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference,
Seattle, WA,
pages 3064-3069,
Keyword(s): Navier-Stokes equations,
Incompressible fluids,
Input-output analysis,
Descriptor systems,
Distributed systems theory.
AUTHOR = {R. Moarref and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference},
TITLE = {Remarks on computing the {$H_2$} norm of incompressible fluids using descriptor state-space formulation},
YEAR = {2008},
ADDRESS = {Seattle, WA},
PAGES = {3064-3069},
KEYWORDS = {Navier-Stokes equations, Incompressible fluids, Input-output analysis, Descriptor systems, Distributed systems theory},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/conference/2008/MoarrefJovanovicACC08.pdf}
S. Patterson,
B. Bamieh,
A. E. Abbadi,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the feasibility of large-scale automated highways.
In First International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science,
Dublin, Ireland,
Note: (Invited paper).
Keyword(s): Control of vehicular formations,
Large-scale networks,
Fundamental limitations.
AUTHOR = {S. Patterson and B. Bamieh and A. E. Abbadi and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
BOOKTITLE = {First International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science},
TITLE = {On the feasibility of large-scale automated highways},
YEAR = {2008},
ADDRESS = {Dublin, Ireland},
NOTE = {(Invited paper)},
KEYWORDS = {Control of vehicular formations, Large-scale networks, Fundamental limitations},
PDF = {https://viterbi-web.usc.edu/~mihailo/papers/conference/2008/PattersonBamiehAbbadiJovanovic2008.pdf}