EE 510 – Linear Algebra for EngineeringMihailo Jovanovic,
University of Southern California, Spring 2019
Course descriptionThe intent of this course is to provide the students with the working knowledge of advanced linear algebra and matrix theory. This course is foundational to other classes in communication, control, computer engineering, signal processing, and related areas. Case studies will offer experience with practical engineering problems and computer-aided design tools used in research and industry. The course content will be motivated by examples from different application domains and it will be presented in such a way to make it of interest to students with background in control and dynamical systems, communications, signal and image processing, artificial intelligence and machine learning, computer science and engineering, optimization, robotics, power systems, systems biology, and financial engineering. TopicReview of matrix analysis and elementary linear algebra; inner product spaces and norms; linear independence, basis, dimension, change of basis; solutions to linear equations; Gausian elimination and LU factorization; fundamental subspaces of matrices; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; determinant; power iteration method; similarity transformations and diagonalization; Jordan canonical form; normal matrices; symmetric and sign-definite matrices; quadratic forms; singular value decomposition and matrix approximations; induced matrix norms; least-squares and least-norm problems; introduction to optimization; gradient descent and Lagrangian-based methods; linear programming; introduction to linear dynamical systems and state-space methods; additional applications.
Class schedule
TuTh, 3:30 - 5:20pm, OHE 122; Jan 8 - Apr 25, 2019 Instructor and Teaching Assistant
Text and software
Grading policy
Homework is intended as a vehicle for learning, not as a test. Moderate collaboration with your classmates is encouraged. However, I urge you to invest enough time alone to understand each homework problem, and independently write the solutions that you turn in. Homework is generally handed out every other Thursday, and it is due at the beginning of the class a week later. Late homework will not be accepted. Start early!