EE 585 – Linear Systems TheoryMihailo Jovanovic,
University of Southern California, Fall 2017
Course descriptionThe intent of this course is to provide the students with the basic tools of modern linear systems theory. We will establish a balance between state-space methods for analysis/synthesis of linear dynamical systems and frequency domain methods for studying input-output properties of multivariable linear systems. The course content will be motivated by examples from different application domains and it will be presented in such a way to make it of interest to students with background in control and dynamical systems, communications, signal and image processing, artificial intelligence and machine learning, computer science and engineering, optimization, robotics, power systems, systems biology, and financial engineering.
Class schedule
TuTh, 9:30 - 10:50am, OHE 100B; Aug 21 - Dec 1, 2017 Instructor and Teaching Assistant
Text and software
Grading policy
Homework is intended as a vehicle for learning, not as a test. Moderate collaboration with your classmates is encouraged. However, I urge you to invest enough time alone to understand each homework problem, and independently write the solutions that you turn in. Homework is generally handed out every other Thursday, and it is due at the beginning of the class a week later. Late homework will not be accepted. Start early!