EE 587 – Nonlinear and Adaptive ControlMihailo Jovanovic,
University of Southern California, Spring 2018
Target audienceGraduate students with interests in control and dynamical systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning, signal and image processing, communications, computer science and engineering, optimization, robotics, power systems, systems biology, and financial engineering. Course descriptionIntroduction and examples of nonlinear systems. State-space models. Equilibrium points. Linearization. Range of nonlinear phenomena: finite escape time, multiple isolated equilibria, limit cycles, chaos. Bifurcations. Phase portraits. Bendixson and Poincare-Bendixson criteria. Mathematical background: existence and uniqueness of solutions, continuous dependence on initial conditions and parameters, normed linear spaces, comparison principle, Bellman-Gronwall Lemma. Lyapunov stability. Lyapunov's direct method. Lyapunov functions. LaSalle's invariance principle. Estimating region of attraction. Control Lyapunov functions. Center manifold theory. Stability of time-varying systems. Gradient algorithm for estimation of unknown parameters. Uniform observability and persistency of excitation. Input-output and input-to-state stability. Small gain theorem. Positive real transfer functions. Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma. Passivity. Circle and Popov criteria for absolute stability. Rudiments of the theory of integral quadratic constraints. Feedback and input-output linearization. Relative degree and zero dynamics. Model reference adaptive control. Integrator backstepping. Adaptive backstepping design. Class schedule
TuTh, 9:30 - 10:50am, Vivian Hall (VHE) 206, Jan 8 - May 9, 2018 Instructor and Teaching Assistant
Text and software
Grading policy