Mahdi Soltanolkotabi

Director USC Center on AI Foundations for Science (AIF4S)
David and Lucile Packard Fellow
Professor, Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Industrial and Systems Engineering
University of Southern California
    I'm currently a Ph.D. student in the Electrical Engineering department at Stanford, advised by Emmanuel Candes.
    . Starting September I will spend one year at UC Berkeley EECS/Stats as a postdoctoral researcher. My sponsers Berkeley are Ben Recht.
    and Martin Wainwright.
    . In August 2015 I will join the USC EE department as an assitant professor. I'm interested in various problems that lie at the interplay between statistics, convex optimization, geometric functional analysis and theoretical computer science. I'm interested in using these tools for the design and analysis of algorithms for data mining, machine learning, computer vision and signal/image processing. Recently, I've also become interested in the analysis of non-convex problems via iterative methods and the interactions between convex optimization and algebraic geometry.
    Office: 380-U, Mathematics, Building 380, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305


    EE 364a: Convex Optimization, Summer 2011.


    Stanford CS:
    - CS 229: Machine Learning, Fall 2012.
    Stanford EE:
    - EE 278: Statistical Signal Processing, Summer 2010.
    Stanford Math:
    - Math 104: Linear Algebra, Winter 2012.
    Stanford Statistics: