Real-time Large-deformation Substructuring

Domain decomposition and model reduction


Instancing, 1435 domains, 11,972 total DOFs

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This paper shows a method to extend 3D nonlinear elasticity model reduction to open-loop multi-level reduced deformable structures. Given a volumetric mesh, we decompose the mesh into several subdomains, build a reduced deformable model for each domain, and connect the domains using inertia coupling. This makes model reduction deformable simulations much more versatile: localized deformations can be supported without prohibitive computational costs, parts can be re-used and precomputation times shortened. Our method does not use constraints, and can handle large domain rigid body motion in addition to large deformations, due to our derivation of the gradient and Hessian of the rotation matrix in polar decomposition. We show real-time examples with multi-level domain hierarchies and hundreds of reduced degrees of freedom.

Comments, questions to Jernej Barbič.

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