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Publications of year 1997
Journal articles
  1. D. Debeljkovic and M. R. Jovanovic. Non-Lyapunov stability consideration of linear descriptor systems operating under perturbing forces. Advances in Modeling and Analysis, 49(1-2):1-8, 1997.
    AUTHOR = {D. Debeljkovi\'c and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    JOURNAL = {Advances in Modeling and Analysis},
    TITLE = {Non-{L}yapunov stability consideration of linear descriptor systems operating under perturbing forces},
    YEAR = {1997},
    NUMBER = {1-2},
    PAGES = {1-8},
    VOLUME = {49} 

Conference articles
  1. N. A. Cebasek and M. R. Jovanovic. PWM control of hydraulic cylinder and axial piston hydraulic motor. In Proceedings of the 5th Triennial International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, volume 1, pages 361-366, September 1997. Hayama, Japan. Keyword(s): Control of electrohydraulic servosystems.
    AUTHOR = {N. A. Cebasek and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Triennial International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization},
    TITLE = {{PWM} control of hydraulic cylinder and axial piston hydraulic motor},
    YEAR = {1997},
    OPTADDRESS = {},
    OPTEDITOR = {},
    MONTH = {September},
    OPTNOTE = {},
    OPTNUMBER = {},
    ORGANIZATION = {Hayama, Japan},
    PAGES = {361-366},
    OPTSERIES = {},
    VOLUME = {1},
    KEYWORDS = {Control of electrohydraulic servosystems} 

  2. Z. B. Ribar, M. R. Jovanovic, and R. Z. Jovanovic. Application of practical straight-line tracking in the process industry. In Proceedings of the 41th ETRAN Conference, volume 1, pages 444-447, June 1997. Zlatibor, Yugoslavia.
    AUTHOR = {Z. B. Ribar and M. R. Jovanovi\'c and R. Z. Jovanovi\'c},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 41th ETRAN Conference},
    TITLE = {Application of practical straight-line tracking in the process industry},
    YEAR = {1997},
    OPTADDRESS = {},
    OPTEDITOR = {},
    MONTH = {June},
    OPTNOTE = {},
    OPTNUMBER = {},
    ORGANIZATION = {Zlatibor, Yugoslavia},
    PAGES = {444-447},
    OPTSERIES = {},
    VOLUME = {1} 

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Last modified: Sat Oct 5 22:00:41 2024
Author: mihailo.

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