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Publications about 'Primal-dual method'
  1. N. K. Dhingra. Optimization and control of large-scale networked systems. PhD thesis, University of Minnesota, 2017. Keyword(s): Augmented Lagrangian, Combination drug therapy, Convex optimization, Directed networks, Leader selection, Method of multipliers, Non-smooth optimization, Optimization, Proximal algorithms, Proximal augmented Lagrangian, Regularization, Second order primal-dual method, Sparsity-promoting optimal control, Structured optimal control, Structure identification. [bibtex-entry]

Journal articles
  1. N. K. Dhingra, S. Z. Khong, and M. R. Jovanovic. A second order primal-dual method for nonsmooth convex composite optimization. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 2017. Note: Submitted; also arXiv:1709.01610. Keyword(s): Augmented Lagrangian, Exponential convergence, Global exponential stability, Method of multipliers, Non-smooth optimization, Proximal algorithms, Proximal augmented Lagrangian, Regularization, Second order primal-dual method, Sparsity-promoting optimal control, Structured optimal control, Structure identification. [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. S. Hassan-Moghaddam and M. R. Jovanovic. On the exponential convergence rate of proximal gradient flow algorithms. In Proceedings of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Miami, FL, pages 4246-4251, 2018. Note: (Invited paper). Keyword(s): Control for optimization, Distributed optimization, Forward-backward envelope, Exponential convergence, Global exponential stability, Gradient flow dynamics, Large-scale systems, Non-smooth optimization, Primal-dual method, Proximal algorithms, Proximal augmented Lagrangian. [bibtex-entry]

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Last modified: Sun Jul 14 21:30:01 2019
Author: mihailo.

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