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Publications about 'Spatio-temporal frequency responses'
G. Hariharan.
Transition to elastic turbulence in channel flows.
PhD thesis,
University of Minnesota,
Keyword(s): Distributed systems theory,
Computational tools for spatially distributed systems,
Flow modeling and control,
Viscoelastic fluids,
Input-output analysis,
Elastic turbulence,
Transition to turbulence,
Uncertainty quantification in PDEs,
Spatio-temporal impulse responses,
Spatio-temporal frequency responses,
Spectral integration method.
W. Ran.
Modeling and analysis of parallel and spatially-evolving wall-bounded shear flows.
PhD thesis,
University of Southern California,
Keyword(s): Boundary layers,
Boundary layer receptivity,
Control-oriented modeling,
Distributed systems,
Drag reduction,
Energy amplification,
Floquet theory,
Flow modeling and control,
Free-stream turbulence,
Low-complexity modeling,
Navier-Stokes equations,
Parabolized Floquet equations,
Parabolized stability equations,
Sensor-free flow control,
Spatially-evolving flows,
Spatially-periodic systems,
Spatio-temporal frequency responses,
Stochastically-forced Navier-Stokes equations,
Transition to turbulence,
Turbulence modeling.
H. A. Castillo,
M. R. Jovanovic,
S. Kumar,
A. Morozov,
V. Shankar,
G. Subramanian,
and H. J. Wilson.
Understanding viscoelastic flow instabilities: Oldroyd-B and beyond.
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.,
302:104742 (39 pages),
April 2022.
Note: Part of the special issue commemorating the birth centenary of James Oldroyd.
Keyword(s): Flow modeling and control,
Input-output analysis,
Elastic turbulence,
Energy amplification,
Transition to turbulence,
Uncertainty quantification in PDEs,
Spatio-temporal frequency responses,
Viscoelastic fluids,
Viscoelastic instabilities.
G. Hariharan,
S. Kumar,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Well-conditioned ultraspherical and spectral integration methods for resolvent analysis of channel flows of Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids.
J. Comput. Phys.,
439:110241 (25 pages),
August 2021.
Keyword(s): Distributed systems theory,
Computational tools for spatially distributed systems,
Flow modeling and control,
Input-output analysis,
Spatio-temporal frequency responses,
Spectral integration method,
Uncertainty quantification in PDEs.
W. Ran,
A. Zare,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Model-based design of riblets for turbulent drag reduction.
J. Fluid Mech.,
906:A7 (38 pages),
January 2021.
Keyword(s): Drag reduction,
Sensor-free flow control,
Spatially-periodic systems,
Spatio-temporal frequency responses,
Stochastically-forced Navier-Stokes equations,
Turbulence modeling.
D. Bozic,
A. Dwivedi,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the weakly nonlinear frequency response analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations.
In Proceedings of the 2025 American Control Conference,
Denver, CO,
Note: Submitted.
Keyword(s): Flow modeling and control,
Input-output analysis,
Oblique waves,
Spatio-temporal frequency responses,
Transition to turbulence,
Weakly nonlinear analysis.
W. Ran,
A. Zare,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Frequency-response analysis of riblets for turbulent drag reduction.
In Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems,
Cambridge, UK,
Note: Submitted.
Keyword(s): Drag reduction,
Sensor-free flow control,
Spatially-periodic systems,
Spatio-temporal frequency responses,
Stochastically-forced Navier-Stokes equations,
Turbulence modeling.
W. Ran,
A. Zare,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Drag reduction in turbulent channel flow over spatially periodic surfaces.
In Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Nice, France,
pages 5918-5923,
Keyword(s): Drag reduction,
Sensor-free flow control,
Spatially-periodic systems,
Spatio-temporal frequency responses,
Stochastically-forced Navier-Stokes equations,
Turbulence modeling.
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Last modified: Sat Oct 5 22:00:41 2024
Author: mihailo.
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