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Publications of year 2019
  1. S. Hassan-Moghaddam. Analysis, design, and optimization of large-scale networks of dynamical systems. PhD thesis, University of Southern California, 2019. Keyword(s): Consensus, Control for optimization, Convex Optimization, Distributed control, Forward-backward envelope, Douglas-Rachford splitting, Global exponential stability, Integral quadratic constraints, Networks of dynamical systems, Non-smooth optimization, Polyak-Lojasiewicz inequality, Proximal algorithms, Primal-dual methods, Proximal augmented Lagrangian, Regularization for design, Sparse graphs, Sparsity-promoting optimal control, Structured optimal control, Structure identification, Topology design.
    AUTHOR = {S. Hassan-Moghaddam},
    SCHOOL = {University of Southern California},
    TITLE = {Analysis, design, and optimization of large-scale networks of dynamical systems},
    YEAR = {2019},
    KEYWORDS = {Consensus, Control for optimization, Convex Optimization, Distributed control, Forward-backward envelope, Douglas-Rachford splitting, Global exponential stability, Integral quadratic constraints, Networks of dynamical systems, Non-smooth optimization, Polyak-Lojasiewicz inequality, Proximal algorithms, Primal-dual methods, Proximal augmented Lagrangian, Regularization for design, Sparse graphs, Sparsity-promoting optimal control, Structured optimal control, Structure identification, Topology design},
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Journal articles
  1. M. Chertkov, M. R. Jovanovic, B. Lesieutre, S. Low, P. van Hentenryck, and L. Wehenkel. Guest Editorial Special Issue on Analysis, Control, and Optimization of Energy Networks. IEEE Trans. Control Netw. Syst., 6(3):922-924, September 2019. Keyword(s): Optimization, Control, Energy networks, Power Networks.
    AUTHOR = {M. Chertkov and M. R. Jovanovi\'c and B. Lesieutre and S. Low and P. {van Hentenryck} and L. Wehenkel},
    JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Control Netw. Syst.},
    TITLE = {Guest Editorial Special Issue on Analysis, Control, and Optimization of Energy Networks},
    VOLUME = {6},
    NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {922-924},
    MONTH = {September},
    YEAR = {2019},
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    KEYWORDS = {Optimization, Control, Energy networks, Power Networks} 

  2. J. Cortes, M. Egerstedt, and M. R. Jovanovic. The inaugural CDC soccer cup. IEEE Control Syst. Mag., 39(3):17-39, June 2019. Keyword(s): Soccer, The Name of the Game: Football!.
    author={J. Cortes and M. Egerstedt and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    journal={IEEE Control Syst. Mag.},
    title={The inaugural {CDC} soccer cup},
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    KEYWORDS = {Soccer, The Name of the Game: Football!} 

  3. N. K. Dhingra, M. Colombino, and M. R. Jovanovic. Structured decentralized control of positive systems with applications to combination drug therapy and leader selection in directed networks. IEEE Trans. Control Netw. Syst., 6(1):352-362, March 2019. Keyword(s): Combination drug therapy, Convex optimization, Directed Networks, Leader selection, Positive systems, Proximal algorithms, Optimization, Sparsity-promoting optimal control, Structured design.
    AUTHOR = {N. K. Dhingra and M. Colombino and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    TITLE = {Structured decentralized control of positive systems with applications to combination drug therapy and leader selection in directed networks},
    JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Control Netw. Syst.},
    VOLUME = {6},
    NUMBER = {1},
    PAGES = {352-362},
    MONTH = {March},
    YEAR = {2019},
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    KEYWORDS = {Combination drug therapy, Convex optimization, Directed Networks, Leader selection, Positive systems, Proximal algorithms, Optimization, Sparsity-promoting optimal control, Structured design} 

  4. N. K. Dhingra, S. Z. Khong, and M. R. Jovanovic. The proximal augmented Lagrangian method for nonsmooth composite optimization. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 64(7):2861-2868, July 2019. Keyword(s): Augmented Lagrangian, Control for optimization, Exponential convergence, Global exponential stability, Method of multipliers, Non-smooth optimization, Primal-dual gradient flow dynamics, Proximal algorithms, Proximal augmented Lagrangian, Regularization for design, Sparsity-promoting optimal control, Structured optimal control, Structure identification.
    AUTHOR = {N. K. Dhingra and S. Z. Khong and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    TITLE = {The proximal augmented {L}agrangian method for nonsmooth composite optimization},
    JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Automat. Control},
    VOLUME = {64},
    NUMBER = {7},
    PAGES = {2861-2868},
    MONTH = {July},
    YEAR = {2019},
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    KEYWORDS = {Augmented Lagrangian, Control for optimization, Exponential convergence, Global exponential stability, Method of multipliers, Non-smooth optimization, Primal-dual gradient flow dynamics, Proximal algorithms, Proximal augmented Lagrangian, Regularization for design, Sparsity-promoting optimal control, Structured optimal control, Structure identification} 

  5. A. Dwivedi, G. S. Sidharth, J. W. Nichols, G. V. Candler, and M. R. Jovanovic. Reattachment vortices in hypersonic compression ramp flow: an input-output analysis. J. Fluid Mech., 880:113-135, December 2019. Keyword(s): Compressible flows, Compression ramp flow, Flow modeling and control, Hypersonic flows, Input-Output analysis, Shock Boundary layer interaction, Reattachment vortices, Transition to turbulence.
    AUTHOR = {A. Dwivedi and G. S. Sidharth and J. W. Nichols and G. V. Candler and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    JOURNAL = {J. Fluid Mech.},
    TITLE = {Reattachment vortices in hypersonic compression ramp flow: an input-output analysis},
    VOLUME = {880},
    PAGES = {113-135},
    MONTH = {December},
    YEAR = {2019},
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    KEYWORDS = {Compressible flows, Compression ramp flow, Flow modeling and control, Hypersonic flows, Input-Output analysis, Shock Boundary layer interaction, Reattachment vortices, Transition to turbulence} 

  6. W. Ran, A. Zare, M. J. P. Hack, and M. R. Jovanovic. Modeling mode interactions in boundary layer flows via Parabolized Floquet Equations. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 4(2):023901 (22 pages), February 2019. Keyword(s): Boundary layers, Control-oriented modeling, Distributed systems, Floquet theory, H-type transition, Laminar streaks, Parabolized Floquet equations, Parabolized stability equations, Periodic systems, Transition to turbulence.
    AUTHOR = {W. Ran and A. Zare and M. J. P. Hack and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    TITLE = {Modeling mode interactions in boundary layer flows via {P}arabolized {F}loquet {E}quations},
    JOURNAL = {Phys. Rev. Fluids},
    VOLUME = {4},
    NUMBER = {2},
    PAGES = {023901 (22 pages)},
    MONTH = {February},
    YEAR = {2019},
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    KEYWORDS = {Boundary layers, Control-oriented modeling, Distributed systems, Floquet theory, H-type transition, Laminar streaks, Parabolized Floquet equations, Parabolized stability equations, Periodic systems, Transition to turbulence} 

  7. W. Ran, A. Zare, M. J. P. Hack, and M. R. Jovanovic. Stochastic receptivity analysis of boundary layer flow. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 4(9):093901 (28 pages), September 2019. Keyword(s): Boundary layers, Boundary layer receptivity, Control-oriented modeling, Distributed systems, Energy amplification, Flow modeling and control, Free-stream turbulence, Low-complexity modeling, Navier-Stokes equations, Spatially-evolving flows, Transition to turbulence.
    AUTHOR = {W. Ran and A. Zare and M. J. P. Hack and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    TITLE = {Stochastic receptivity analysis of boundary layer flow},
    JOURNAL = {Phys. Rev. Fluids},
    VOLUME = {4},
    NUMBER = {9},
    PAGES = {093901 (28 pages)},
    MONTH = {September},
    YEAR = {2019},
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    KEYWORDS = {Boundary layers, Boundary layer receptivity, Control-oriented modeling, Distributed systems, Energy amplification, Flow modeling and control, Free-stream turbulence, Low-complexity modeling, Navier-Stokes equations, Spatially-evolving flows, Transition to turbulence} 

Conference articles
  1. D. Ding and M. R. Jovanovic. Global exponential stability of primal-dual gradient flow dynamics based on the proximal augmented Lagrangian. In Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, pages 3414-3419, 2019. Keyword(s): Convex optimization, Global exponential stability, Non-smooth optimization, Primal-dual gradient flow dynamics, Proximal augmented Lagrangian method.
    AUTHOR = {D. Ding and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference},
    TITLE = {Global exponential stability of primal-dual gradient flow dynamics based on the proximal augmented {L}agrangian},
    YEAR = {2019},
    ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
    PAGES = {3414-3419},
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    KEYWORDS = {Convex optimization, Global exponential stability, Non-smooth optimization, Primal-dual gradient flow dynamics, Proximal augmented Lagrangian method} 

  2. D. Ding, X. Wei, and M. R. Jovanovic. Distributed robust statistical learning: Byzantine mirror descent. In Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, pages 1822-1827, 2019. Keyword(s): Byzantine mirror descent, Distributed optimization, Dual averaging, Robust statistical learning.
    AUTHOR = {D. Ding and X. Wei and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
    TITLE = {Distributed robust statistical learning: {B}yzantine mirror descent},
    YEAR = {2019},
    ADDRESS = {Nice, France},
    PAGES = {1822-1827},
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    KEYWORDS = {Byzantine mirror descent, Distributed optimization, Dual averaging, Robust statistical learning} 

  3. D. Ding, X. Wei, Z. Yang, Z. Wang, and M. R. Jovanovic. Fast multi-agent temporal-difference learning via homotopy stochastic primal-dual method. In Optimization Foundations for Reinforcement Learning Workshop, 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, Canada, 2019. Keyword(s): Convex optimization, Distributed temporal-difference learning, Multi-agent systems, Primal-dual algorithms, Reinforcement learning, Stochastic optimization.
    AUTHOR = {D. Ding and X. Wei and Z. Yang and Z. Wang and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    BOOKTITLE = {Optimization Foundations for Reinforcement Learning Workshop, 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
    TITLE = {Fast multi-agent temporal-difference learning via homotopy stochastic primal-dual method},
    YEAR = {2019},
    ADDRESS = {Vancouver, Canada},
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    KEYWORDS = {Convex optimization, Distributed temporal-difference learning, Multi-agent systems, Primal-dual algorithms, Reinforcement learning, Stochastic optimization} 

  4. S. Hassan-Moghaddam, M. R. Jovanovic, and S. Meyn. Data-driven proximal algorithms for the design of structured optimal feedback gains. In Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, pages 5846-5850, 2019. Keyword(s): Data-driven feedback design, Large-scale systems, Non-smooth optimization, Proximal algorithms, Reinforcement learning, Sparsity-promoting optimal control, Structured optimal control.
    AUTHOR = {S. Hassan-Moghaddam and M. R. Jovanovi\'c and S. Meyn},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference},
    TITLE = {Data-driven proximal algorithms for the design of structured optimal feedback gains},
    YEAR = {2019},
    ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
    PAGES = {5846-5850},
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    KEYWORDS = {Data-driven feedback design, Large-scale systems, Non-smooth optimization, Proximal algorithms, Reinforcement learning, Sparsity-promoting optimal control, Structured optimal control} 

  5. N. Hildebrand, A. Dwivedi, G. S. Sidharth, J. W. Nichols, M. R. Jovanovic, and G. V. Candler. Instabilities in laminar shock boundary layer interactions. In Proceedings of the 2019 IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, London, United Kingdom, 2019. Keyword(s): Adjoint equations, Base-flow sensitivity, Compressible flows, Direct numerical simulations, Global stability analysis, Flow modeling and control, Hypersonic flows, Transition to turbulence.
    AUTHOR = {N. Hildebrand and A. Dwivedi and G. S. Sidharth and J. W. Nichols and M. R. Jovanovi\'c and G. V. Candler},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2019 {IUTAM} Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition},
    TITLE = {Instabilities in laminar shock boundary layer interactions},
    YEAR = {2019},
    ADDRESS = {London, United Kingdom},
    KEYWORDS = {Adjoint equations, Base-flow sensitivity, Compressible flows, Direct numerical simulations, Global stability analysis, Flow modeling and control, Hypersonic flows, Transition to turbulence},

  6. H. Mohammadi, M. Razaviyayn, and M. R. Jovanovic. Performance of noisy Nesterov's accelerated method for strongly convex optimization problems. In Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, pages 3426-3431, 2019. Keyword(s): Accelerated first-order algorithms, Control for optimization, Convex optimization, Integral quadratic constraints, Linear matrix inequalities, Noise amplification, Second-order moments, Semidefinite programming.
    AUTHOR = {H. Mohammadi and M. Razaviyayn and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference},
    TITLE = {Performance of noisy {N}esterov's accelerated method for strongly convex optimization problems},
    YEAR = {2019},
    ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
    PAGES = {3426-3431},
    PDF = {},
    KEYWORDS = {Accelerated first-order algorithms, Control for optimization, Convex optimization, Integral quadratic constraints, Linear matrix inequalities, Noise amplification, Second-order moments, Semidefinite programming} 

  7. H. Mohammadi, A. Zare, M. Soltanolkotabi, and M. R. Jovanovic. Global exponential convergence of gradient methods over the nonconvex landscape of the linear quadratic regulator. In Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, pages 7474-7479, 2019. Keyword(s): Data-driven control, Global exponential stability, Gradient descent, Gradient-flow dynamics, Model-free control, Nonconvex optimization, Optimization, Optimal control, Reinforcement learning.
    AUTHOR = {H. Mohammadi and A. Zare and M. Soltanolkotabi and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
    TITLE = {Global exponential convergence of gradient methods over the nonconvex landscape of the linear quadratic regulator},
    YEAR = {2019},
    ADDRESS = {Nice, France},
    PAGES = {7474-7479},
    PDF = {},
    KEYWORDS = {Data-driven control, Global exponential stability, Gradient descent, Gradient-flow dynamics, Model-free control, Nonconvex optimization, Optimization, Optimal control, Reinforcement learning} 

  8. W. Ran, A. Zare, M. J. P. Hack, and M. R. Jovanovic. Relating global and local stochastic receptivity analysis of boundary layer flows. In Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, pages 3212-3217, 2019. Note: (Invited paper). Keyword(s): Boundary layers, Boundary layer receptivity, Control-oriented modeling, Distributed systems, Energy amplification, Flow modeling and control, Free-stream turbulence, Low-complexity modeling, Navier-Stokes equations, Spatially-evolving flows, Transition to turbulence.
    AUTHOR = {W. Ran and A. Zare and M. J. P. Hack and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference},
    TITLE = {Relating global and local stochastic receptivity analysis of boundary layer flows},
    YEAR = {2019},
    ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA},
    NOTE = {(Invited paper)},
    PAGES = {3212-3217},
    PDF = {},
    KEYWORDS = {Boundary layers, Boundary layer receptivity, Control-oriented modeling, Distributed systems, Energy amplification, Flow modeling and control, Free-stream turbulence, Low-complexity modeling, Navier-Stokes equations, Spatially-evolving flows, Transition to turbulence} 

  9. W. Ran, A. Zare, and M. R. Jovanovic. Drag reduction in turbulent channel flow over spatially periodic surfaces. In Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, pages 5918-5923, 2019. Keyword(s): Drag reduction, Riblets, Sensor-free flow control, Spatially-periodic systems, Spatio-temporal frequency responses, Stochastically-forced Navier-Stokes equations, Turbulence modeling.
    AUTHOR = {W. Ran and A. Zare and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
    TITLE = {Drag reduction in turbulent channel flow over spatially periodic surfaces},
    YEAR = {2019},
    ADDRESS = {Nice, France},
    PAGES = {5918-5923},
    PDF = {},
    KEYWORDS = {Drag reduction, Riblets, Sensor-free flow control, Spatially-periodic systems, Spatio-temporal frequency responses, Stochastically-forced Navier-Stokes equations, Turbulence modeling} 

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Last modified: Sat Oct 5 22:00:41 2024
Author: mihailo.

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