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Publications about 'Control of vehicular formations'
F. Lin.
Structure identification and optimal design of large-scale networks of dynamical systems.
PhD thesis,
University of Minnesota,
Keyword(s): Alternating direction method of multipliers,
Architectural issues in distributed control design,
Consensus networks,
Control of vehicular formations,
Convex Optimization,
Leader selection,
Sparsity-promoting optimal control.
M. R. Jovanovic.
Modeling, analysis, and control of spatially distributed systems.
PhD thesis,
University of California, Santa Barbara,
Keyword(s): Architectural issues in distributed control design,
Control of vehicular formations,
Distributed systems theory,
Flow modeling and control,
Navier-Stokes equations.
B. Bamieh,
M. R. Jovanovic,
P. Mitra,
and S. Patterson.
Coherence in large-scale networks: dimension dependent limitations of local feedback.
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control,
September 2012.
Note: (2013 George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award).
Keyword(s): Control of vehicular formations,
Large-scale networks,
Fundamental limitations.
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Optimal control of vehicular formations with nearest neighbor interactions.
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control,
September 2012.
Keyword(s): Architectural issues in distributed control design,
Distributed control,
Optimal localized control,
Control of vehicular formations,
Large-scale networks,
Fundamental limitations.
M. R. Jovanovic,
J. M. Fowler,
B. Bamieh,
and R. D'Andrea.
On the peaking phenomenon in the control of vehicular platoons.
Syst. Control Lett.,
July 2008.
Keyword(s): Control of vehicular formations,
Large-scale systems,
M. R. Jovanovic and B. Bamieh.
On the ill-posedness of certain vehicular platoon control problems.
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control,
September 2005.
Keyword(s): Control of vehicular formations,
Large-scale and infinite dimensional systems,
Fundamental limitations.
B. Bamieh,
M. R. Jovanovic,
P. Mitra,
and S. Patterson.
Effect of topological dimension on rigidity of vehicle formations: fundamental limitations of local feedback.
In Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Cancun, Mexico,
pages 369-374,
Keyword(s): Control of vehicular formations,
Large-scale networks,
Fundamental limitations.
S. Patterson,
B. Bamieh,
A. E. Abbadi,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the feasibility of large-scale automated highways.
In First International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science,
Dublin, Ireland,
Note: (Invited paper).
Keyword(s): Control of vehicular formations,
Large-scale networks,
Fundamental limitations.
M. R. Jovanovic and B. Bamieh.
On the ill-posedness of certain vehicular platoon control problems.
In Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Paradise Island, Bahamas,
pages 3780-3785,
Keyword(s): Control of vehicular formations.
M. R. Jovanovic,
J. M. Fowler,
B. Bamieh,
and R. D'Andrea.
On avoiding saturation in the control of vehicular platoons.
In Proceedings of the 2004 American Control Conference,
Boston, MA,
pages 2257-2262,
Keyword(s): Control of vehicular formations.
M. R. Jovanovic.
Vehicular Chains.
In J. Baillieul and T. Samad, editors, Encyclopedia of Systems and Control,
pages 1-10.
Springer-Verlag London,
Note: Doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-5102-9_221-1.
Keyword(s): Control of vehicular formations,
Large-scale networks,
Fundamental limitations.
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Last modified: Sat Oct 5 22:00:41 2024
Author: mihailo.
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