Back to MJ's Publications
F. Lin.
Structure identification and optimal design of large-scale networks of dynamical systems.
PhD thesis,
University of Minnesota,
Keyword(s): Alternating direction method of multipliers,
Architectural issues in distributed control design,
Consensus networks,
Control of vehicular formations,
Convex Optimization,
Leader selection,
Sparsity-promoting optimal control.
M. Fardad,
F. Lin,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Design of optimal sparse interconnection graphs for synchronization of oscillator networks.
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control,
September 2014.
Keyword(s): Distributed control,
Oscillator networks,
Sparse graphs,
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Algorithms for leader selection in stochastically forced consensus networks.
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control,
July 2014.
Keyword(s): Alternating direction method of multipliers,
Consensus networks,
Convex optimization,
Greedy algorithm,
Leader selection,
Performance bounds,
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Design of optimal sparse feedback gains via the alternating direction method of multipliers.
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control,
September 2013.
Keyword(s): Alternating direction method of multipliers,
Architectural issues in distributed control design,
Cardinality minimization,
Distributed control,
Sparsity-promoting optimal control.
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Optimal control of vehicular formations with nearest neighbor interactions.
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control,
September 2012.
Keyword(s): Architectural issues in distributed control design,
Distributed control,
Optimal localized control,
Control of vehicular formations,
Large-scale networks,
Fundamental limitations.
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Augmented Lagrangian approach to design of structured optimal state feedback gains.
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control,
December 2011.
Keyword(s): Architectural issues in distributed control design,
Distributed control,
Optimal localized control.
F. Lin and M. R. Jovanovic.
Least-squares approximation of structured covariances.
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control,
July 2009.
Keyword(s): Optimization,
Large-scale systems,
Least-squares approximation,
Structured covariances.
M. Fardad,
F. Lin,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On optimal link creation for facilitation of consensus in social networks.
In Proceedings of the 2014 American Control Conference,
Portland, OR,
pages 3802-3807,
Keyword(s): Consensus,
Social influence,
Social networks,
Stochastic matrices.
M. Fardad,
X. Zhang,
F. Lin,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the properties of optimal weak links in consensus networks.
In Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Los Angeles, CA,
pages 2124-2129,
Note: (Invited paper).
Keyword(s): Optimization,
Perturbation analysis,
Social influence,
Social networks,
Stochastic matrices.
D. M. Zoltowski,
N. K. Dhingra,
F. Lin,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Sparsity-promoting optimal control of spatially-invariant systems.
In Proceedings of the 2014 American Control Conference,
Portland, OR,
pages 1261-1266,
Keyword(s): Architectural issues in distributed control design,
Cardinality minimization,
Convex optimization,
Distributed control,
Sparsity-promoting optimal control,
Spatially-invariant systems.
M. Fardad,
F. Lin,
X. Zhang,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On new characterizations of social influence in social networks.
In Proceedings of the 2013 American Control Conference,
Washington, DC,
pages 4784-4789,
Keyword(s): Optimization,
Social influence,
Social networks,
Stochastic matrices.
M. R. Jovanovic and F. Lin.
Sparse quadratic regulator.
In Proceedings of the 12th European Control Conference,
Zurich, Switzerland,
pages 1047-1052,
Keyword(s): Alternating direction method of multipliers,
Cardinality minimization,
Distributed control,
Sparsity-promoting optimal control.
F. Lin,
M. R. Jovanovic,
and T. T. Georgiou.
An ADMM algorithm for matrix completion of partially known state covariances.
In Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Florence, Italy,
pages 1684-1689,
Keyword(s): Alternating direction method of multipliers,
Convex optimization,
Low-rank approximation,
Matrix completion problems,
Nuclear norm regularization,
Structured covariances.
N. K. Dhingra,
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On identifying sparse representations of consensus networks.
In Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems,
Santa Barbara, CA,
pages 305-310,
M. Fardad,
F. Lin,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the optimal synchronization of oscillator networks via sparse interconnection graphs.
In Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference,
Montreal, Canada,
pages 4777-4782,
Keyword(s): Distributed control,
Oscillator networks,
Sparse graphs,
M. Fardad,
X. Zhang,
F. Lin,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the optimal dissemination of information in social networks.
In Proceedings of the 51th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Maui, HI,
pages 2539-2544,
Keyword(s): Optimization,
Social influence,
Social networks,
Stochastic matrices.
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Identification of sparse communication graphs in consensus networks.
In Proceedings of the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing,
Monticello, IL,
pages 85-89,
Note: (Invited paper).
Keyword(s): Architectural constraints,
Interconnected systems,
Optimal decentralized control,
Structured feedback gains.
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Performance of leader-follower networks in directed trees and lattices.
In Proceedings of the 51th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Maui, HI,
pages 734-739,
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Sparse feedback synthesis via the alternating direction method of multipliers.
In Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference,
Montreal, Canada,
pages 4765-4770,
Keyword(s): Architectural issues in distributed control design,
Distributed control,
Optimal localized control,
Sparsity-promoting optimal control.
M. Fardad,
F. Lin,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Algorithms for leader selection in large dynamical networks: noise-free leaders.
In Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference,
Orlando, FL,
pages 7188-7193,
Keyword(s): Consensus networks,
Convex optimization,
Leader selection,
Performance bounds,
M. Fardad,
F. Lin,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Sparsity-promoting optimal control for a class of distributed systems.
In Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference,
San Francisco, CA,
pages 2050-2055,
Keyword(s): Architectural issues in distributed control design,
Distributed control,
Optimal localized control,
Sparsity-promoting optimal control.
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Algorithms for leader selection in large dynamical networks: noise-corrupted leaders.
In Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference,
Orlando, FL,
pages 2932-2937,
Keyword(s): Alternating direction method of multipliers,
Consensus networks,
Convex optimization,
Greedy algorithm,
Leader selection,
Performance bounds,
M. Fardad,
F. Lin,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the dual decomposition of linear quadratic optimal control problems for vehicular formations.
In Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Atlanta, GA,
pages 6287-6292,
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the optimal localized feedback design for multi-vehicle systems.
In Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Atlanta, GA,
pages 5744-5749,
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the optimal localized feedback design for vehicular platoons.
In Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference,
Baltimore, MD,
pages 4622-4627,
M. Fardad,
F. Lin,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the optimal design of structured feedback gains for interconnected systems.
In Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Shanghai, China,
pages 978-983,
Keyword(s): Architectural constraints,
Interconnected systems,
Optimal decentralized control,
Structured feedback gains.
F. Lin,
M. Fardad,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Synthesis of $H_2$ optimal static structured controllers: primal and dual formulations.
In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing,
Monticello, IL,
pages 340-346,
Note: (Invited paper).
Keyword(s): Architectural constraints,
Interconnected systems,
Optimal decentralized control,
Structured feedback gains.
F. Lin and M. R. Jovanovic.
Energy amplification in a parallel Blasius boundary layer flow subject to free-stream turbulence.
In Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference,
Seattle, WA,
pages 3070-3075,
Keyword(s): Boundary layers,
Flow modeling and control,
Navier-Stokes equations,
Input-output analysis,
Free-stream turbulence,
Energy amplification,
Transition to turbulence.
F. Lin and M. R. Jovanovic.
On the least-squares approximation of structured covariances.
In Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference,
New York City, NY,
pages 2648-2653,
Keyword(s): Optimization,
Large-scale systems,
Least-squares approximation,
Structured covariances.
Back to MJ's Publications
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Last modified: Sat Oct 5 22:00:41 2024
Author: mihailo.
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