2022 Sept | | Allerton Conference; Opening Tutorial Presentation (Slides) |
2022 Aug | | Dongsheng Ding completes his PhD; joins UPenn as a Postdoctoral Fellow |
2022 March | | Workshop on Wall-Bounded Turbulence: Beyond Current Boundaries; Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Video Link) |
2020 Dec | | Workshop on Reinforcement Learning from Batch Data and Simulation (Video Link) |
2020 Sept | | Hesameddin Mohammadi named the 2020-2021 Ming Hsieh Institute PhD Scholar |
2020 Sept | | Online Seminar on Mathematical Foundations of Data Science (Video Link) |
2020 Aug | | Anubhav Dwivedi completes his PhD; joins USC as a Postdoctoral Fellow |
2020 July | | Wei Ran completes his PhD; joins China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center |
2020 June | | 2nd Annual Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control (Video Link) |
2020 April | | Gokul Hariharan completes his PhD; joins USC as a Postdoctoral Fellow |
2019 Oct | | Sepideh Hassan-Moghaddam completes her PhD; joins Microsoft |
2019 Sept | | Plenary Speaker, 8th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys 2019); Slides |
2019 Sept | | Guest Editorial Special Issue on Analysis, Control, and Optimization of Energy Networks, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems |
2019 Aug | | Armin Zare joins University of Texas at Dallas |
2019 May | | 36th Southern California Control Workshop |
2019 April | | Workshop on Innovative Optimization and Control Methods for Highly Distributed Autonomous Systems; National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
2019 March | | Binh Lieu joins Apple |
2018 Dec | | The Inaugural CDC Soccer Cup |
2018 Nov | | Elected Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) |
2018 Oct | | Sepideh Hassan-Moghaddam attends the 2018 Rising Stars in EECS Workshop at MIT |
2018 Sept | | Sepideh Hassan-Moghaddam named the 2018-2019 Ming Hsieh Institute PhD Scholar |
2018 March | | Makan Fardad receives CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation |
2017 Dec | | Neil Dhingra completes his PhD; joins Numerica Corporation |
2017 Oct | | Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) |
2017 Sept | | Workshop on Autonomous Energy Grids, National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
2017 Sept | | Workshop on Sensor Location in Distributed Parameter Systems, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications |
2017 June | | Joined editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems |
2017 June | | Workshop on Large-Scale and Distributed Optimization, Lund Center for Control of Complex Engineering Systems, Lund, Sweden |
2017 March | | Workshop on Optimization and Inference for Physical Flows on Networks, Banff, Canada |
2017 Feb | | Colo(u)r of Turbulence appears in Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Predrag Cvitanovic organizes a Discussion at KITP (this wiki contains LOTS of useful info) |
2017 Jan | | Workshop on Recurrence, Self-Organization, and the Dynamics of Turbulence, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara |
2017 Jan | | Joined University of Southern California |
2016 Dec | | Armin Zare and Xiaofan Wu complete their PhD's; join USC and Siemens Corporate Technology |
2016 Dec | | Program Vice-Chair, 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control |
2016 July | | Semi-Plenary Speaker, 2016 European Control Conference; Slides |
2016 July | | MJ and Armin Zare attend the 2016 Center for Turbulence Research Summer Program |
2016 May | | Promotion to Professor |
2016 April | | Input-Output Analysis of Jet Noise receives Media Attention |
2016 Jan | | Workshop on Optimization and Parsimonious Modeling, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications |
2015 Nov | | Sparsity-Promoting Dynamic Mode Decomposition is one of the Most Cited Articles published in Physics of Fluids in 2014 |
2015 May | | Armin Zare and Neil Dhingra receive Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from the U of M Graduate School |
2015 May | | 4th Midwest Workshop on Control and Game Theory, Iowa State University |
2015 March | | Minisymposium on Data-driven Methods for Complex Systems, 2015 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering |
2014 Dec | | Workshop on Future Directions in Networks, Optimization, and Control, University of Southern California |
2014 Nov | | Workshop on Turbulence in Engineering Applications, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics |
2014 Oct | | Distinguished Alumni Award (Inaugural Class), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Santa Barbara |
2014 Oct | | Keynote Speaker, 50th Anniversary Celebration, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Santa Barbara |
2014 Oct | | Workshop on Optimal Cooperation, Communication, and Learning in Decentralized Systems, Banff, Canada |
2014 Oct | | Binh Lieu completes his PhD; joins Seagate Technology |
2014 July | | U of M Informatics Institute Transdisciplinary Faculty Fellowship |
2014 July | | MJ and Armin Zare attend the 2014 Center for Turbulence Research Summer Program |
2014 June | | Armin Zare is a Finalist for the Best Student Paper Award at the 2014 American Control Conference |
2014 Jan | | Neil Dhingra receives MnDRIVE Outreach Fellowship |
2014 Jan | | Joined editorial board of SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) |
2013 Dec | | George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award |
2013 Sept | | IEEE Senior Member |
2013 Sept | | Fu Lin joins Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory |
2013 July | | Invited Presentation, Tutorial Session on ‘‘Sparse and Low-Rank Representation Methods in Control, Estimation and System Identification’’, 2013 European Control Conference |
2013 June | | Invited Presentation, Special Session on ‘‘Future of Fluids – Celebrating 60 Years of AFOSR’’, 43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit |
2013 Jan | | Instructor, Specialist’s Course on Flow Control, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting |
2012 Dec | | Fu Lin completes his PhD; starts his postdoc at the U of M |
2012 Aug | | Resident Fellowship, Institute on the Environment |
2012 July | | MJ and Binh Lieu attend the 2012 Center for Turbulence Research Summer Program |
2012 July | | Flow Control Tutorial, the 2012 Center for Turbulence Research Summer Program |
2012 Summer | | Neil Dhingra spends 10 weeks at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center |
2012 March | | Binh Lieu receives E-CAero fellowship to attend the Spring School on Fast Methods in Scientific Computing in Montestigliano, Italy |
2011 Dec | | Rashad Moarref completes his PhD; starts his postdoc at Caltech (with B. McKeon and J. Tropp) |
2011 June | | Binh Lieu receives Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from the U of M Graduate School |
2011 June | | Neil Dhingra receives Harriett G. Jenkins Pre-Doctoral Fellowship from NASA |
2011 May | | Minnesota Supercomputing Institute Research Spotlight |
2011 May | | Promotion to Associate Professor (with tenure) |